When is creed coming out with new album

Don't put words in my mouth. I'm just saying we did write some songs, and we're sitting on those. Nearly five months later, Phillips confirmed that there has been "some chatter" about renewed activity from the group, but cautioned that there are "no specific plans" for CREED to perform or make music again. Stapp has since toured and recorded as a solo artist, although he suffered a drug-related mental breakdown in and spent several years recovering from that.

Is it over? Is there new music coming out? When we were together doing the reunion tour, we put a lot of music together and I have like really sketchy little demos of probably 13 songs. I listened to them maybe a year ago and they're good songs. Tremonti added: "It's just, there's no time. Is it good enough for me to put everything on the back burner that I've been working on for the past 14 years? However, they've now been on hiatus since In , frontman Scott Stapp took a lot of responsibility for the band's breakups in an interview with HuffPost.

I had no energy. Then in the fall of , Creed drummer Scott Phillips alluded to the possibility of a reunion with his bandmates. We'll just kind of let it play out naturally and see what happens," he explained. Is it good enough for me to put everything on the back burner that I've been working on for the past 14 years? Is it good enough to maybe 10 years from now or seven years from now NET story or review, you must be logged in to an active personal account on Facebook.

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